It’s never too late to quit smoking. Doing so will reduce your health risks from lung disease, heart disease, and cancer. For example, after one year of not smoking, your added risk of coronary heart disease is 50 percent of a smoker’s added risk.
Quitting smoking can be difficult for many people and smoking cessation programs vary, so it’s important to find the one that will work best for you.
Targeted medications can help some smokers quit, especially with counseling, coaching, engaging in a support group. These medications work by reducing nicotine withdrawal symptoms, such as cravings, anxiety, hunger, and restlessness. The following smoking cessation medications are approved by Health Canada.
Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT)
- Reduces withdrawal symptoms by supplying nicotine in lower, controlled doses
- Available in several forms, gum, inhalers, and lozenges, and addresses cravings one at a time, while patches gradually reduce the amount of nicotine being provided
- Available over the counter at pharmacies in both brand name and generic versions
- If you are on the NRT patch and notice side effects, contact your doctor or pharmacist.
- Available in pill form by prescription
- Reduces cravings and other withdrawal symptoms
- Available in pill form by prescription
- Reduces nicotine cravings and makes smoking less enjoyable
For more information about smoking, visit the following sites: